Why Blogs Still Reign Supreme in SERPS

When it comes to bringing people to your site or business, SERPS are the way to go. But blogs still reign supreme when it comes to garnering a loyal customer and/or reader base. In some respects, this makes sense: your viewers are here for your content, not your great SEO practices. In others, it doesn’t. Great content is fine and good, but it doesn’t necessarily bring people to your page in the first place.
Here’s a little background on both SERPS and Blogs, their respective strengths and weaknesses, as well as a little bit on why blogs will always reign supreme.
Content…It’s the name of the Game!

Content is generally the name of the game when it comes to blogging and SERPS. Frankly, by raising your blogging game, you also enhance your SERP knowledge as well.
Nothing can change the fact that content is the most important factor in SEO Optimization. It keeps readers engaged, and while SERPS might get a person to the page, it’s the content that keeps them reading.
It’s just a fact that blogs are super enduring, and that people love them for that, as well as their personal touch. The fact that they sometimes include more than just what the title promises to enrich the article and the reading experience is always welcomed among readers. While SERPS get people onto your page, content is ultimately what will be “addressing consumer needs.” So, adhere to best SEO practices by way of easy to understand content and good text to code ratios.

SERPS can manifest in quite a lot of different ways:
- Paid search ads
Significance: Any advertisement is good advertisement.
- Organic search results
Significance: Unpaid listings after a search.
- Local search results
Significance: Local search results and data
- Related searches
Significance: Exactly as it sounds, allows a person to branch out and gain related knowledge
- The page that shows after you search for a specific thing
Significance: If you article appears on that, you have completely optimized your SEO
SEO tricks are all well and good, but absolutely cannot make up for the use of good content.
A brief seminar on SERPS!
Accelerate Agency has a very well-thought out article on ways to boost your SERP Results, telling you what you can and cannot do when creating an online business venture.
A few of the article’s highlights include:
- If your website is not the first thing that pops up when searching for related terms, or even directly for it–You’ve got a SERP problem.
- Research what keywords are most associated with your niche, and implement those into your articles.
- Consider the fact that “long form content” receives more traffic than short form, meaning that, in theory, the longer your article, the better chance of it receiving a bit of recognition.
- Interest in your article is what keeps people reading it. Having a long article is useless without the content also being to a high standard.
Ranking Content

Here are some qualities that might be considered when “ranking” certain online content:
- Quick speed
- Efficiency
- Great photos
- Rich content (that goes beyond the general premise of the title, contains a lot of interesting related info, sufficiently long enough that you don’t feel cheated after reading it)
Given this, one can see quite plainly why blogs are the most important aspect of SERPS (outside of a fully-functioning website, that is). All the SEO tricks in the world cannot fool your audience into sticking around if your content–ie. the thing you are actually selling–isn’t up to standard.
However, if you are already convinced of the quality of your content, you may take the above points and go back to revise your image quality and website efficiency. Maybe there’s something missing within your SERP strategy that has nothing to do with the quality of the blog itself. Images and web-flow are easy to fix, relative to altering the entirety of your content.
What does Good Content Look Like?
These are the necessary ingredients to create a successful blog post/ content.
While a successful blog might look different depending on the topics that it is geared towards: for example, a teen advice blog might value a conversational tone more than, say, a cooking blog–which is more likely to value high-quality graphics than writing–there are a few constants that remain no matter what type of blog you are drafting. If you are able to adhere to these different qualifications, your blog will likely be great no matter what.
But what are these qualities? To begin, your blog must accomplish what it sets out to do in the title. If you are promising someone the tools to navigate a breakup, you should include all that that entails: including coping strategies, places for therapy, etc. If your blog promises a great brownie recipe, then it had better come with detailed baking instructions and a picture of the end product (as well as a few consumer reviews).
Additionally, your content should be condensed in some areas, but lighter in others. If your readers cannot easily skim your blog for the main ideas, then you risk your work becoming too tedious. (Readers in this day and age are very rushed, and will likely not spend too much time with any given article, so it’s better to condense things where you can so as not to lose a chunk of your audience).
Finally, a well put-together blog will include professional graphics. While not every blog may necessarily want to make the main focus of their blog graphics, it is still important to construct a website that looks professional. If someone clicks on your blog and sees poor graphics, they may assume that your information is not credible.
Pitfalls when Creating a Blog

Focusing on the “other” aspects of SERPS and SEO as opposed to focusing on your content can come with downfalls. Remember: Your content sets the standard for you, and while it’s important to get your content noticed, there will be no point in doing so if the content itself is just not good enough.
What to do instead
If there’s anything that you should take away from this article, it’s that in order to be a successful content creator in this digital age, you need to 1) understand your audience and keep them in mind when creating content and 2) that you should ensure a standard of quality in order to keep a steady stream of reliably good content in your arsenal (or portfolio?).
In Conclusion,
Blog's will always be the main aspect of your branding, no matter what you do. Content is above all else. However, that doesn't mean that other aspects of your online presence don't matter. SEO and SERP are what is required to get viewers onto your site, but it will always be the content that keeps them coming back.