On the hunt for an internship? Here’s what Pittsburgh has to offer!

Looking for an internship this summer, fall, or spring? Pittsburgh is full of companies and start-ups that offer rewarding internships year-round-- you just have to know where to find them. While university student centers can offer guidance, there are far more internships out there that you may not even know about! The possibilities in this city are endless.
If you don’t already live in Pittsburgh, you may be wondering if moving out here for a bit for an internship is worth it. Trust us- it is. Pittsburgh is a vibrant city full of culture, art, technology, and life. (And great food to boot.) The internships the city offers reflects that- Pittsburgh is multicultural and always moving towards the future.
Read on for internship opportunities in all major area sectors. Whether you’re into computer science, art management, event services, hospitality, sports- you name it, Pittsburgh will have something for you. Here we’ll go over three of the largest industries in Pittsburgh- finance, marketing, and art- and the internship opportunities each industry has every year.
Check out exciting Pittsburgh Internships in some of the city's hottest industries:
- Creative Internships
- Marketing Internships
- Finance Internships

Creative Internships in Pittsburgh
Fancy graphic design, writing, or simply want to manage an art gallery one day? Pittsburgh is the right place for you.
Pittsburgh is a great city for art. If you’ve ever walked around Downtown or South Side, you’re bound to have seen all the galleries and theaters the city has to offer. With so much creativity and art opportunity in one place, Pittsburgh is perfect for young artists looking to get into the business.
There are many kinds of art internships depending on your discipline. Pittsburgh hosts a great many internships for graphic design, writing, and even music. Film is popular here as well, with many television stations offering broadcast or radio internships year-round.
For film, the options are similarly endless. You could intern in Media Production for the Pittsburgh Steelers, if you’re post-graduate and have the required level of experience in Adobe Creative Suite and camera operations. Local tv stations in Pittsburgh like WQED and WESA host media and audio film internships year-round as well. You could intern at the Pittsburgh Film Office, or for PCTV. Broadcast is popular in Pittsburgh, so opportunities there are all over.
Or check out some of these amazing opportunities for creative interns in Pittsburgh:

Schell Games
220 W Station Sq Dr | South Shore/South Side | schellgames.com
Internships Available: 3D Art, Audio Art
Schell Games offers multiple types of art internships. Schell Games is an education and entertainment game development company located in Pittsburgh that creates interactive experiences on mobile, desktop, and virtual reality. Their 3D Art and Audio Art internships allow interns to work within their disciplines to contribute to independent video game productions. Their 3D art intern will help with 3D art design and implementation, using a variety of softwares. Their Audio Art intern will work with and learn how to use sound design to create the best possible audio for Schell’s games and other clients.

181 42nd St | Lawrenceville | fitt.co
Internships Available: Copywriting
For writing internships, consider an editorial internship at Fitt. If you’re a content creator and/or copywriter, Fitt’s position allows you to create engaging content for a country-wide audience while also honing in your editing skills.

Aiken House
5424 Walnut St | Shadyside | aikenhouse.com
Internships Available: Creative Writing & Journalism, Music Marketing
Not sure a stuffy, traditional office enviornment is the right fit for you? Be sure to check out Aiken House, a venture studio that has an awesome and flexible Creative Writing and Journalism internship. Interns have the opportunity to work on a variety of projects for clients in industries from healthcare to real estate to music and learn what it really takes to write content that will preform well online. Hang out and write at The Loft in Shadyside -- it's Aiken House HQ and home base to a number of Aiken House's startups and sister companies -- or work remotely from your favorite coffee shop or your kitchen table. Best of all, rolling applications means you can apply whenever your schedule opens up.

Pittsburgh Marketing Internships
Marketing is an incredibly popular field in Pittsburgh. If you’re marketing-savvy, read on!
Pittsburgh has even more marketing internships than finance internships, if you can believe it. Marketing is everywhere nowadays, growing even more important as time goes on. Any and every job sector needs marketers, which leaves you as a possible intern with endless possibilities. Do you want to market for health care? An automation company? Perhaps a non-profit? All those options are available and more.

5424 Walnut St | Shadyside | nakturnal.org
Internships Available: Digital Marketing
Nakturnal is a local female-founded digital marketing agency that are striving to growth hack the internet. Interns don't just go on coffee runs -- in their year round internships, which can be used to accumulate college credit at Pittsburgh's many universities, interns learn digital and influencer marketing strategies, get involved in the sales process, execute lead gen, and more.

6425 Penn Ave | Bakery Square | responsival.com
Internships Available: Design Intern, Digital Marketing Intern
Pittsburgh-based responsive web design company Responsival focuses on three main areas: marketing, design, and web development. By getting involved, interns have an opportunity to help real clients create a strong digital presence from every angle. Responsival offers a flexible internship program, stating on their site that they are willing to work with interns to give them the best internship experience possible.

Point 412
601 Commonwealth Pl | Downtown | point412.com
Internships Available: Marketing
A great paid internship is Point 412’s Marketing Internship. Point 412 works with a plethora of clients that you’ll have the chance to work with face-to-face as you help them strategize marketing campaigns and hook them up with the best possible technology and techniques to help their brands and products. You’ll work with customers to make their brand the best it can possibly be- being a people person is important here! If you love to feel connected to your projects, this may be the internship for you. You’ll learn from the Senior Marketing Head and have plenty of opportunities to showcase your work and talent.

Premier Automation LLC
1100 Rico Dr | Monroeville | premierautomation.com
Internships Available: Marketing
Interested in marketing for automation and robotics? Pittsburgh has you covered there. Check out Premier Automation LLC’s Marketing Intern position. You’ll work with both print and digital marketing to create comprehensive campaigns. You’ll order market materials, help out with planning and promoting company events, and manage multiple social media accounts. If you’re a savvy writer and creator looking to contribute to a larger company and the industrial market, this position may be for you!

Beyond Spots & Dots
1034 Fifth Ave | Downtown | beyondspotsanddots.com
Internships Available: Marketing & Digital Interactive
For a more digitally-inclined internship, there’s always Beyond Spots & Dots’ Marketing and Digital Interactive Internship. They run this at different times throughout the year. If you’re looking for a part time internship that doesn’t take up too much of your headspace, this is it. You’ll create, design, and plan presentations for client meetings. You’ll assist in advertising campaigns and attend marketing and creative meetings. You’ll manage client activities and social media accounts. If you’re just starting out in marketing or want to test your interest in the field, this is a great place to do so. Part-time internships aren’t super demanding and can be done alongside another part-time job, so why not add this to your resume!

Finance Internships
In love with money? Then these Pittsburgh internships will be in love with you.
If you study finance or a related field, Pittsburgh is a great city to be in. There are countless firms and companies that hire interns for a variety of positions.
For Financial Planning internships, check out Northwestern Mutual or MassMutual, two big financial players in the Pittsburgh area.

Northwestern Mutual
600 Grant St | Downtown | northwesternmutual.com
Internships Available: Financial Planning, Advising, Sales
Northwestern Mutual has many internships. Their Financial Planning and Advising and Sales and Finance internships are their most popular, and they run these year-round. Simply check the internet for when their hiring process begins, and what the deadlines are. Northwestern Mutual is the largest provider of individual life insurance in the U.S., and boasts an impressive client portfolio. S&P Global Ratings and Fortune have given Northwestern Mutual many accolades, including ‘World’s Most Admired Companies’ and ‘Top 10 Independent Broker-Dealers.’

Mass Mutual
6 PPG Place | Downtown | massmutual.com
Internships Available: Financial Professional
Mass Mutual, likewise, offers Financial Professional internships that train you to be a Financial Service Representative. They are a full service financial firm, much like Northwestern Mutual, and their office is in the lively Downtown area of Pittsburgh.

Baker Tilly
20 Stanwix St | Downtown | bakertilly.com
Internships Available: Tax, Audit
If you want to focus on accounting, there’s also Baker Tilly’s Accounting Internship in Tax and/or Audit. Baker Tilly is an advisory, tax, and advising firm that has operations and headquarters all over the world. North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia host Baker Tilly operations. This internship will teach you about management consulting, financial services, and, of course, accounting.
Try out a new kind of internship
Aiken House works with a lot of savvy professionals in a variety of industries, and we're happy to mentor you and connect you with opportunities - just contact us here.
Simply put, Pittsburgh is a fantastic city to intern in. Whatever field you’re in or interested in, the city has something for you. When it comes to the large fields of Finance, Marketing, and Art, Pittsburgh is especially potent. As more companies and startups come to Pittsburgh, the possibilities will only grow. Pittsburgh is a rising city focused on innovation, technology, and creativity, so it’s truly a special city for young entrepreneurs just starting out. Spend a season interning in the Steel City- you won’t regret it.